Antoni Franciszek Elsner was a gifted composer, and one of the first to
introduce elements of folk music in his works. He composed innumerable
symphonies, chamber and solo music as well as vocal-instrumentals. Included in
his works are 38 operas and about 120 religious compositions. From 1832 to 1837
he composed 19 religious works for Breslau Cathedral. But despite Elsner's musical genius, the music world continues to regard him as piano
teacher to Frederic Chopin and Ignacy Felix Dobrzynski!
Elsner was
born in Grottkau, near Breslau, Kingdom of Prussia on June 1st, 1769 to Silesian
Catholic parents, Franz Xaver and Matzke.
His mother's family came from the famous Glatz line, which had ties to
Czech culture in Bohemia. Though Jozef
was groomed for the priesthood, he ultimately chose music as his calling.
completion of his studies at Breslau, he was appointed the 2nd Kapellmeister in
Lemberg in 1792. A few years later he
married Klara Abt, but tragically she died a year later.
In 1799
Elsner went to New East Prussia (ie Prussian-occupied Poland) accompanied by
Wojciech Boguslawski (Polish actor, playwright and theatre director). There, Elsner became the principal conductor
at the German Theatre, and then at the Polish National Theatre in Warsaw where
he premiered several of his operas.
He also
travelled to Paris, Dresden and Posen (now Poznan) and met with E.T.A. Hoffman
(a German author and composer) and in 1805 they founded the
Musikressource. Elsner had married a
second wife, Karolina Drozdowska, whose influence upon him compelled him to
resign from theater work. She complained
that Elsner preferred Germans. Though he
referred to himself as a Silesian, the decades he spent in Warsaw had the
effect of gradually polonizing his name and lifestyle.
In 1828
Chopin dedicated a composition to Elsner, the Piano Sonata No. 1 in C minor,
Op.4 (1828) Elsner had written in his
diary about Chopin. One of his entries
were as follows; " Chopin,
Fryderyk, third-year student, amazing capabilities, musical genius". Elsner's compositions included polonaises, waltzes, marches, symphonies, oratorio, and operas.
died on April 18, 1854 at his estate, aptly named Elsnerow. The land now lies within the city of Warsaw.
Elsner's Major
Gradual for 2 sopranos, 2 violins, viola, double
bass and 2 horns (ca.
Violin concerto in G major (ca. 1783-84)
Offertoria for 4 voices and orchestra (ca. 1783-84)
Benedictus for soprano and instrumental group (ca. 1783-84)
Completorium for choir, 2 violins, viola, 2 horns
and organ (ca.
Ad festum Corporis Christi for 4-voice choir, wind
instruments and organ (ca.
Symphony in E flat major (ca. 1788-89)
Symphony in D major (ca. 1788-89)
Nocturne in E flat major for orchestra (ca. 1788-89)
Kyrie and Gloria in C major for choir, 2 violins,
viola, 2 oboes, horn, trumpet, kettledrum and organ (ca. 1788-89)
Der sterbende Jesus for solo voices and choir (ca. 1788-89)
Viennese waltzes for orchestra (ca. 1790-91)
Brno waltzes for orchestra (ca. 1791-92)
Flute concerto (1791-92)
March with echo and andante for orchestra (?)
KarnevaltÄnze for orchestra (1792-99)
Requiem op. 2 for 4-voice choir and wind instruments (1793)
Violin concerto in D major (ca. 1795)
Die seltenen BrÜder oder Die vier Zauberkugeln,
opera in 2 acts (1795)
Der verkleidete Sultan, opera in 3 acts (1795)
Dzicy ludzie / The Savages, ballet in 1 act (ca. 1796)
Trois quatuors for stringed instruments (ca. 1796)
Iskahar, King of Guaxara, melodrama in 3 acts (1796)
Symphony in D major (1796)
Symphony in C major (1796)
Symphony in E flat major (1797)
Amazons, or Herminia, opera in 2 acts (1797)
Sonata in F major for violin and piano op. 10 nr 1 (ca. 1798)
Sonata in D major for violin and piano op. 10 nr 2 (ca. 1798)
Sonata in E flat major for violin and piano op. 10
nr 3 (ca.
Piano sonata in B flat major (ca. 1798)
Piano sonata in D major (ca. 1798)
Piano sonata in F major (ca. 1798)
Piano trio in C major (ca. 1798)
Quartet for 2 violins and 2 violas (ca. 1798)
Trois quatuors du meilleur goût polonais for
stringed instruments (1798)
Grande sonate in B major, piano trio (1798)
Sydney and Zuma, or the Power of Love of a Black
Woman, melodrama in 3 acts (1798)
String quintet in C minor (?)
Mass in B flat major op. 3 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1799)
Piano quartet in F major (ca. 1800)
Sultan Wampum czyli Nieroztropne zyczenia / Sultan
Wampum, or Imprudent Wishes, opera in 2 acts (1800)
String quintet (?)
String quartet in B flat major (?)
Symphony in D major (1802)
Variations in B flat major on the theme of the march
from Peter Winter's opera 'Broken Sacrifice' for piano (1802)
Rondo à la mazurka in G minor for piano (1803)
Rondo à la mazurka in C major for piano (1803)
Rondo à la krakowiak in B flat major for piano (1803)
Mieszkańcy wyspy Kamkatal / The Inhabitants of the
Kamkatal Island, opera in 1 act (1803-04)
Siedem razy jeden / Seven Times One, comic opera in
1 act (1804)
Polonaise on the theme of the march from Luigi
Cherubini's opera 'The Water-Carrier' for orchestra (1804)
Polonaise in E major on the theme of the overture
from Rodolphe Kreutzer's opera 'Lodoiska' for orchestra (1804)
Lob der Buchdruckerkunst, cantata for solo voice,
4-voice choir and piano (1804)
Symphony in C major op. 11 (1804-05)
Stary trzpiot i młody mędrzec / The Old Scatterbrain
and the Young Sage, opera in 1 act (1804-05)
Piano quartet in E flat major op. 15 (ca. 1805)
Urojenie i rzeczywistość / Delusion and Reality,
opera in 1 act (ca.
Nurzahad czyli Nieśmiertelność i bogactwa /
Nurzahad, or Immortality and Riches, melodrama in 3 acts (1805)
Wieszczka Urzella czyli To co się damom podoba /
Urzella the Prophetess, or What Ladies Like, opera in 3 acts (1805-06)
In te Domine speravi in E flat major op. 4,
offertory for 4-voice choir and orchestra (ca. 1806)
Mass in D minor op. 5 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (ca.
Sąd Salomona / Solomon's Judgment, melodrama in 3
acts (1806)
Andromeda, opera seria in 1 act (1806)
Salvum fac imperatorem in B flat major op. 6, motet
for 4-voice choir and orchestra (1807)
Na wdzięcznej Polaków ziemi / On Poles' Graceful
Land, cantata for choir and orchestra (1807)
Trybunał niewidzialny czyli Syn występny / The
Invisible Tribunal, or the Immoral Son, melodrama in 3 acts (1807)
Pospolite ruszenie czyli Bitwa z kozakami / Levy in
mass, or the Battle against the Cossacks, comic opera in 2 acts (1807)
Mieczysław Ślepy, melodrama in 3 acts (1807)
Karol Wielki i Witykind / Charlemagne and Wittekind,
drama in 2 acts (1807)
Sonata B-dur na fortepian na 4 rece / Sonata in B
flat major op. 16 (?)
Szewc i krawcowa / The Shoemaker and the Seamstress,
duodrama in 1 act (1808)
Echo w lesie / The Echo in the Forest, duodrama in 1
act (1808)
Śniadanie trzpiotów / Breakfast of Scatterbrains,
opera in 1 act (1808)
Żona po drodze / The Wife on the Way, duodrama in 1
act (1808)
Marsz tryumfalny / Triumphant March for wind
orchestra (1809)
Leszek Biały czyli Czarownica z Łysej Góry / Leszek
Biały, or the Witch from Lysa Góra, opera in 2 acts (1809)
Benefis, duodrama in 1 act (1809)
Wariacje na temat arii z opery 'Żony przemienione
czyli Szewc' M.A. Portogalla / Variations on the theme of an aria from Marco
Portogallo's opera 'The Transformed Wives, or the Shoemaker' for orchestra (1810)
Musik zu einer Trauerloge, cantata for male choir
and orchestra (1811)
Wyspa małżeńska czyli żony przez los wybrane / The
Marital Island, or The Wives Chosen by Fate, melodrama in 3 acts (1811)
Korsarz francuski w Portugalii / The French Corsair
in Portugal, melodrama in 3 acts (?)
Wąwozy Sierra Morena / The Gorges of the Sierra
Morena, comic opera in 3 acts (1811)
Veni Creator in C major op. 7 for two 4-voice choirs (1812)
Kabalista / The Cabalist, opera in 2 acts (1812)
Muzyka na wprowadzenie zwłok ks. J. Poniatowskiego w
r. 1814 / Music on the Occasion of the Entry of Prince Józef Poniatowski's
Body, cantata for recitation, choir and orchestra (1814)
Veni Sancte Spiritus in E flat major op. 8 for
4-voice choir and orchestra (1815)
Msza świętojańska F-dur / St John's Mass in F major
op. 9 na 4 solo voices, 4-voice choir, orchestra and organ (ca. 1815)
Motet seu Offertory de Sancto Josepho in C major op.
10 for 4-voice choir and orchestra (ca. 1815)
Post celebrem... in D major op. 11 for soprano,
bass, 4-voice choir and orchestra (1815)
La ritrosia disarmata, duodrama in 1 act (1815)
Polonez na temat piosenki 'où peut-on être mieux...'
/ Polonaise on the theme of the song 'où peut-on être mieux...' for orchestra (1816)
Kochankowie ukryci / Hidden Lovers, opera in 2 acts (?)
Król Lokietek czyli Wiśliczanki / King Ladislaus the
Elbow-High, or the Peasant Girls of Wislica, opera in 2 acts (1817-18)
Dwa posągi / Two Statues, ballet (1818)
Symphony in B flat major op. 17 (ca. 1818)
Polonaise in F major for orchestra (1818)
Polonaise in D major for orchestra (1818)
Offertory in G major op. 12 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (ca.
Powstanmy z orezem w reku / Let Us Take to Arms,
cantata for recitation, solo voices and choir (1819)
Jagiełło w Tęczynie / King Jagiello in Tęczyn, opera
in 3 acts (1819)
Mass in G major op. 13 for 3-voice male choir and
organ (ca.
Folk Mass in G major op. 15 for 2 sopranos and organ (1820)
Mass in C major op. 26 for 4 solo voices, 4-voice
choir and orchestra (1820)
Polonaise in D major for violin and piano (1820)
Polonaise in E flat major for violin and piano (1820)
Ofiara Abrahama / Abraham's Offering, melodrama in 4
acts (1821)
Divertissement, ballet (?)
Mass in F major op. 20 for 4-voice choir (ca. 1823)
Mass in C major op. 22 for 4-voice male choir, 4
horns, trombone and kettledrums (ca. 1823)
Gradual and Offertory in F major op. 23 for 4-voice
male choir, 4 horns and trombone (ca. 1823)
Mass in A minor op. 24 for 4-voice choir (ca. 1823)
Gradual and Offertory in A major op. 25 for 4-voice
choir (ca.
Mass in D minor op. 16 for 4-voice choir (1823)
Gradual and Offertory op. 17 for 4-voice choir (1823)
Missa in B op. 18 for 3-voice male choir (1823)
Gradual and Offertory in E flat major op. 19 for
3-voice male choir (1823)
Offertory in C major op. 31 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1823)
Offertory in C major op. 33 for 4-voice choir,
orchestra and organ (ca.
Offertory D major op. 32 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1824)
Motet in C major op. 28 for two 4-voice choirs
Mass in G major op. 34 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (ca.
Mass in F major op. 35 for 4-voice choir and organ (ca. 1825)
Vespers in C major op. 36 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (ca.
Offertory in G major op. 38 for 4-voice choir, flute
obbligato and orchestra (ca.
Te Deum laudamus in D major op. 39 for 4-voice
choir, trumpet and kettledrums (ca. 1825)
Veni Creator in G major op. 40 for 4-voice choir (ca. 1825)
Mazur for orchestra (ca. 1825)
Mass in F major op. 41 for 4-voice choir, orchestra
and organ (ca.
Requiem in C minor op. 42 na 3 male voices, cello,
wind instruments and kettledrums (1826)
Salve Regina in B flat major, Processio funebris in
C minor, Psalmus: De profundis in C minor op. 43 for 3 male voices, 4-voice
choir and orchestra (1827)
Gradual in F major op. 29 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1828)
Offertory in B flat major op. 30 for 4-voice choir
and orchestra (1828)
Offertory in B flat major op. 45 for 4-voice choir,
orchestra and organ (ca.
Offertory in A major op. 46 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (ca.
Solemn Mass in B flat major op. 47 for 4 solo
voices, 4-voice choir and orchestra (ca. 1829)
Offertory in G major op. 48 for 4-voice choir,
orchestra and organ (ca.
O sacrum convivum op. 49, hymn for 4-voice choir and
wind instruments (ca.
Offertory in F major op. 50 for 3-voice male choir (ca. 1829)
Solemn (Coronation) Mass in C major op. 51 for 4
solo voices, 4-voice choir and orchestra (ca. 1829)
Mass in B flat major op. 44 for 2 sopranos, 2
tenors, bass and organ (1829)
Septet in D major for flute, clarinet, violin,
viola, cello, double bass and piano (ca. 1830)
Powstanie narodu / The Origins of the Nation,
lyrical scene in 1 act (1830)
Marsz przedniej straży wojska polskiego / March of
the Vanguard of the Polish Army for orchestra (1831)
March for orchestra (1831)
Missa festiva in C major op. 52 for 4-voice choir,
orchestra and organ (ca.
Cantate zur Jubel-Feier... in D major op. 53 for
4-voice choir and orchestra (1832)
Veni Creator in G major op. 54 for 5-voice choir and
organ (1834)
Offertory in C major op. 56 for 4-voice choir and
organ (ca.
Gradual E flat major op. 57 for soprano, 4-voice
choir and orchestra (1835)
Passio Domini nostri in D minor op. 65 for 14 solo
voices, three 4-voice choirs and orchestra (1835-37)
Offertory op. 58 for choir (ca. 1836)
Motet in G major op. 59 for 4 solo voices, 4-voice
choir and orchestra (1836)
Chaconne in G major for violin and piano (1836)
Alleluia in B major op. 60 for 4-voice choir (1836-40)
Polonaise in D major for violin and piano (?)
Mass in E minor - E major op. 62 for 4 solo voices,
4-voice choir and orchestra (ca. 1838)
Psalm 133 op. 63 for 2 choirs (ca. 1838)
Mass in D minor and D major in laudem omnium
sanctorum slavonorum polonorum op. 66 for 2 solo voices, 4-voice choir and orchestra (1840)
Ave Maria in B major op. 68 for 4-voice choir and
organ (1840)
Offertory in F major op. 70 for 4-voice choir,
orchestra and organ (1840)
Offertory in F major op. 71 for 4-voice choir (1840)
Canticum Simeonis in E minor op. 69 for 5-voice
choir (1841)
Mass in G minor op. 72 for 4 solo voices, 4-voice
choir and orchestra (1842)
Veni Creator in B major op. 73 for 4-voice male
choir (1842)
Te Deum laudamus op. 74 for two 4-voice male choirs (1842)
Mass in G major op. 75 for 2 sopranos, violin, 2 violas,
cello and organ (1842)
Shepherd Mass in A minor op. 76 for 4-voice choir,
cello and organ (1842)
Mass in E major op. 77 for 3-voice male choir and
organ (1843)
Veni Creator op. 78 for 3-voice male choir and organ (1843)
Mass in F major op. 79 for 3-voice male choir and
organ (1843)
Msza in B major op. 80 for 4-voice choir and organ (1843)
Mass in A minor op. 81 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1843)
Gradual in A major op. 82 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1843)
Offertory in E major op. 83 for 4-voice choir, solo
violin and orchestra (1843)
Missa brevis in F major op. 85 for 3-voice male
choir and organ (1844)
Offertory in B major op. 86 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1844)
Mass, Gradual and Offertory op. 87 for 4-voice choir
and orchestra (1844)
Powitanie gołąbka / Greeting of the Dove, cantata
for 4 male voices, violin, cello and piano (1844)
Mass in E minor op. 88 for 4-voice choir and organ (1846)
Vespers in D major op. 89 for 4-voice choir and
orchestra (1847)
Ave maris stella in A major op. 90 for 4-voice
choir, orchestra and organ (1847)
Dies irae in F minor op. 91 for 4-voice choir and
organ (1847)
O gloriosa virginum in B major op. 92 for 4-voice
choir and orchestra (1847)
Stabat Mater op. 93 for solo voices, choir and
orchestra (1848)
Gradual in D major op. 94 for bass, 4-voice choir
and orchestra (1848)
Pater noster op. 95 for 4-voice choir and organ (1848)
Miserere mei Deus op. 96 for solo voices, 3 choirs,
male choir (1848)
Veni Creator in A major op. 97 for 4-voice choir and
organ (1849)
source: Małgorzata Kosińska, Polish Music Information Center, Polish Composers' Union, October 2006.
source: Małgorzata Kosińska, Polish Music Information Center, Polish Composers' Union, October 2006.
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